Wow! Can you believe that it is already October? Time flies when you are busy learning new things. Thank you to those families who continue to reinforce what we are working on in the classroom; it definitely shows. We have a lot of exciting things coming up for the month of October so please check your child's folder daily. Thank you for making sure you child was here for our official Count Day. We had 100% of our students present. We will be having a Fall celebration next week filled with many fun learning experiences in math, science, social studies and more...Stop by to join in on the festivities. We are also planning a trip to Blake's Apple Orchard on Wednesday, October 23, 2013. Please return permission slip and $9.00 by Friday, October 17, 2013. Remember to read the weekly newsletter for more information about what we are working on in the classroom.
Wow! I can't believe we are starting our second full week of kindergarten. We have been working extremely hard trying to adjust to our schedule and following classroom rules and routines. Please continue to discuss appropriate school behavior and language with your child. I will be sending home another copy of our classroom rules and our school's "12 non-negotiable" rules. Your child will also be bringing home a daily behavior chart. Please sign and return each day.
We have had a very successful first week of school.  I hope your children have come home with both interesting and exciting stories about our classroom.  Just in case you missed a few changes this year, I will be your child's language arts and social studies teacher this year.  I am looking forward to all of the fun units and activities that will be taking place in the classroom this year.  

Visit my website and newsletter blog often in order to keep up with what has been going and with that we are looking forward to.  Have a nice first weekend of the school year!